Subj: hello 2005!!!!! (already with the problems i see.)
welcome to the future everybody! Hooray!! My bosses were blasting “if i ain’t got you” all throughout the night yesterday and patting each other on the backs. An unusual show of camaraderie from those guys. I haven’t seen my family for the new year since they live hours away, but they probably aren’t too hyped for it.
I actually come here with a problem. I got saddled with a bunch of backlogged reports to sift through and check, but i think someone’s messed with the dates. Some of these are just wrong. Like Nov 0? September 31st? I know someone in this office thinks they’re funny and i have to deal with the repercussions of it as usual. There’s definitely a way to double check this in the actual system but it won’t show me the actual dates. Ive had to rely on looking at my physical calendar and sussing it out through the week days listed...can someone help fix?
January 2 2005 1:40PM
Hi Mud Bloon! I’m not sure I understand your query, can you provide an image or more specific descriptor of the reports you’re talking about? On a typical Windows computer program, dates recorded by the computer should be readily available in any document. In fact, manually recorded dates are something I find uncommon, and are easily noted by many sales or merchant programs you can download to a Microsoft product.
It sounds unfair that you’ve been given a slough of faulty documents. Have you tried telling a superior about the problem? It doesn’t sound like something you should have to deal with, considering (I assume) you don’t personally know when these reports were created.
January 2 2005 2:02PM
haha fair fair. I probably shouldve given an image to work with in the first place. Here’s what I’m dealing with:
It…looks like a computer generated date column. But i know it was just someone here being bad at their job.
To answer your question, I didn’t tell anyone about the problem because I felt a little embarrassed - it seemed like a 5 second fix, I just wasn;t sure what to do. Go figure, I guess this might not be a normal problem after all. I hope this helps!
January 3 2005 11:36PM
That isn’t normal.
January 3 2005 11:36PM
There appears to be something wrong with your computer’s calendar. I would send that back or talk in-person to someone acquainted with the technology. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help!
January 3 2005 11:36PM
January 3 2005 11:36PM
sorry, didn’t see the next reply. I guess it’s time to talk to my boss, LOL
January 3 2005 8:22PM
Subj: BLOODMOON Christmas album OP-ED: me like!
This took so long for me to publish because listening to Ring made me enter a spiritual trance I could not escape for days.
What to say that I haven’t already said before…BLOODMOON makes beautiful music and all I wanted to do while listening to Ring was lay spread-eagle in the snow and let my body decompose there. My friends, do yourselves a favor and set aside an hour to just let this album sink into you. Brian, your sweet breathy vocals make me weep of joy. Sorry to sound faggy out here but well..... I am. LOL
Hearing their (very brief so far but ASTOUNDING) evolution up to this, the year 2005 of our Lord Jesus Christ has felt like watching a baby puppy grow into a proud, strong wolf. I mean the imagery there is fitting. Ring is an ethereal opera - nay - an opus of whispers, shrieking, howling, gentle guitar, and excuse me did Kristov learn the cello?!?!? He has to have, because if he’d possessed this ability the whole of BM’s run and refused to play it until now, I count that as a crime. BLOODMOON, you rock my small, cold, bloody little world. I’ll get your name tattooed on my bicep one of these days, I swearr
January 3 2005 11:49PM
Buddy, did you mean it when you said you were - what was the word - “faggy”? Almost sounded like you were proud of that.
January 4 2005 1:07AM
Hugh? look me in the eyes. If you wouldn’t go G4P for Brian Szeliga you’re insane. xoxo
fuck my life i haate 1s why has it deleted my question posts. I might actually want to use this website for something!! u ever thought of that?? Fack you 1square
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January 16, 2005, 4:23PM
Subj: weekend speculation: for the tech bros out there
fellas, a question: do you think we’ll ever invent a robot that can sexually pleasure a woman so well theyll never rely on men again?
January 16 2005 6:06PM
This isn’t a relevant or serious question. Please delete it or move it to a different board
January 16 2005 6:32PM
Facetious as this is I’d say no. there’s an inherent humanity there that I don’t think most people would sacrifice for the “perfect” robotic partner, pleasure aside.
January 16 2005 8:50PM
We have those already, dude. Go to a spencers
January 20, 2005, 9:18PM
Subj: weird searches and page redirects
you’ll never guess! My computer is acting up again. Tell me what you think:
I recall searching for none of these. What’s more, whenever i enter specific pages online (no, not those, sickos. Things like music and movie review sites, hell even sometimes when i create a document on my desktop) I’ll get automatically redirected to something completely unrelated. Most of the time its this weird funeral home site, but sometimes it’LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
January 21 2005 1:29PM
I’ll take a wild guess and say you have some kind of malware. Happens all the time. Maybe either learn to stomach it, or if it gets really bad trade in your computer for another and try not to break it this time. Hope this helps.
January 21 2005 9:33PM
oh how i wish i had enough words in the world to thank you, zbone.
January 31, 2005, 2:14PM
Subj: Aquarius season – love is REAL!
imagine you’re me. Hardware repair store, East 5th st. It’s a beautiful sunday morning, the chill of winter melting from your hands as the sun crosses the sky. I’m no poet. You go up to the checkouet desk and wait for personnel to show up. Attendant greets you with gusto. looks to be a college aged girl, maybe a little older. dark hair in these cute buns, A little funny looking in the teeth area (shes also got braces) and a funky rolled up shirt. Youre thoroughly charmed.
You find out this is her dads business, she picked up helping him over a gap year and shes a real whiz at it. You got your old thing wheeled in in a pathetic little cart and you fumble w it when she asks to see the jank computer youre talking about. she smiles when she sees it come out of the cart and calls it a ‘beautiful lady’, basically cooing over it as she helps you set it down on the counter like a puppy at the vet :( ToT (shes also complimented your shirt. I will not say what band it was. frankly embarrassing. You get the vibe she may not have been well liked in high school simply for being too awesome of a person)
You do not exit the store having gotten what you came there for. you do not end up telling this person how cool she seems in fact you fear you may have come off as a bit aloof but not something you can help really. but you exit having gained something, a feeling of sympathy for the poor machine we subject to our triflings, enslave with menial tasks. You leave with an overwhelming feeling of love toward all these strangers that we never give a chance. Toward the slightly askew repair girl whos now babysitting your computer (i am writing from a library, have NO IDEA how i am allowed to access this site) and will call you in 3 to 5 business days with its current state.
Moral? maybe go to Flores Hardware Repair more often. Give them some business
February 1 2005 12:27PM
Flores repair are a bunch of charlatans. I aint getting my anything fixed by a pubescent girl who treats a computer like a little dog.
February 1 2005 4:04PM
Nah I have to agree, Flores’ can’t handle much and they let a lot of things get away from them. I wouldn't expect your computer to be fixed to your liking once you get it back.
February 14, 2005, 3:33AM
Subj: happy valentine’s day! I do not want to buy a new computer
good day to all. Please ignore the time at which i am posting this. It's apparent at this point that my computer has gone off the fritz and i am in desperate need of help. This came with my JOB (J-O-B) and i cannot let anybody there think i broke it (WHICH I DIDN'T. I don't know what;s happening.)
Long story short: the infrastructure of my computer itself may just be busted. It counts days wrong, displays dates wrong, rewrites my internet history (as ha-ha as that may sound, i'm being dead serious. Either someone is breaking into my house to search up nonsense while i'm away or, more likely, this thing is broken.), and ... okay, at risk of sounding absolutely insane, it's like the thing's talking to me. Or like it wants my attention. That's the best way to describe it. Just... there are no repair places in my area thatll accept it and i'm in no position to ask to change it in for a new one, either at work or elsewhere.
I'm begging for, like, a scrap of advice. Here%E2%80%99s some examples of the things that have been happening:
Really hope these actually load this time. It's been giving me trouble just uploading pictures here now, awful convenient for the stupid thing hurm hurmm. Ugh i'm so tired
February 14 2005 3:34AM
You should sleep then, Avery
February 14 2005 3:43AM
??? Not sure who you’re talking to, but my name isn’t avery.
February 14 2005 3:44AM
You don’t need to lie. No one is ever going to see this.