November 1st

welcome to my dark and twisted mind. November 1st is a reader-insert fanfiction of the non-canon Walten Files halloween special, "The Mysterious House." as u may guess from the title, the fic takes place (or rly starts i guess) the day after halloween...november 1 . lol

Nov 1 started as a hobby project that i would work on to polish my writing skills, pretty noncommitally. the plot sees YOU (yes. you) waking up in the Pumpkin Rabbit's house of horror after halloween night and attempting to work through your own amnesia to figure out why you're there, what happened, and how you can escape...all while the rabbit lurks around every corner, trying to integrate you into its silly little house family via extremely dubious methods.

ik my writing and art as a whole is no stranger to yk unsettling, macabre or adult themes. however this is one work that i recommend taking extra care if you want to read. not only does it obviously contain themes of violence, but also features scenes and plot points pertaining to kidnapping, abuse, psychological torture & manipulation, weight fluctuation, and later on might elude to sexual themes. IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO ANY OF THESE TOPICS OR ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 18 THEN I DON'T RECOMMEND READING THIS ONE. ik we all get silly haha yes so funny its the walten files its the giant orange bunny i get it. but take care and heed these warnings because this one gets fucking weird at points. that is all